Flies Can Be Dangerous

They live in our homes, they eat our food, and they bring us disease.They are the rudest house guests you'll ever be plagued with, and worst of all, they refuse to leave! Who are they? They are Musca Domestica, the humble housefly, the most common insect that we humans interact with, accounting for 91% of all flies living among us, hence the appropriate name housefly.

Did You Know?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Flies cost nearly $1 Billion in annual production losses to the U.S. dairy and beef industries.

A single female fly may lay nearly 1000 eggs in her short life span of a few weeks. 

House flies are strongly suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to human, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy and tuberculosis.

Flies can be dangerous vectors of disease.

Houseflies have a notoriously bad rep, but many ignore their infamy because, well, houseflies are so common, and they seem so harmless. But maybe, we can shed some light on just how dangerous these common dwellers actually are.

Within one lifetime, a fertilized female fly can lay hundreds of eggs, approximately 500, laying her eggs in groups of 75 - 150 at a time. In only a short day's time, these small, undetectable eggs will produce larvae, or maggots, that will feast on decaying matter for 14 - 36 hours. After this, they'll enter the next stage of their life, pupae, and then on to adulthood. With such a short introduction into life, fly populations seem impossible to control.

More dangerously, it increases the chances of disease transmission. Having the potential to carry and spread over 100 different diseases, including life threatening illnesses such as tuberculosis and cholera, the fly carries pathogens with their feet and mouths, and can instantly transmit diseases through the simplest of activities such as feeding and walking.>

The sobering fact is that the common housefly has among the highest rates of disease transmission in the insect world!

The Fly Control Solution

Flies Be Gone Fly Traps are not your average, everyday fly traps. With a National Stock number designated by the U.S. Department of Defense, these traps have proven their unbeatable fly-eradicating abilities even under the harshest of fly control conditions.

Flies Be Gone Fly Traps success entirely relies on its quality construction, its nontoxic, pesticide-free fly food, and extensive research. They effectively trap and quickly eliminate hordes of flies in locations such as restaurants, hospitals, schools, horse stables and farms, and kennels and vets. The convenient design and easy setup makes them ideal for controlling hordes of flies even in your own home.